
Associació d'Usuaris de Java de Catalunya > Government

Throughout its existence, Aujac has been composed of several boards of directors.

The members that make up the Board of Directors, according to the statutes, were chosen every two years within the General Assembly of Members, and the previous members can be re-presented to the position without any prejudice.
During the first two years of AUJAC's existence (2000-2002), the Board of Directors was composed of the following people:

President: Jordi Pujol Ulied
Vice President: Xavier Pi Palomes
Treasurer: Josep Folch i Serra
Secretary: Marc Munill Bernándich
Board members:
German Munuera Pubill
Ignasi Pérez Valls
Monica Rayo Morajón
Albert Soler Crosas

After the elections were held in 2002, the Board of Directors of Aujac was composed for the period 2002-2004 as follows:

President: Jordi Pujol Ulied
Vice President: Josep Ros Navarro
Treasurer: Josep Folch i Serra
Secretary: Mònica Rodríguez Gili
Board members:
Monica Rayo Moragón
David Villegas Terrín
Aleix Torres Casas

In the period 2004-2006, the board of directors was composed as follows:

President: Jordi Pujol Ulied
Vice President: Aleix Torres Casas
Treasurer: Jordi Marques del Aguila
Secretary: Maiol Xercavins and Simó
Board members:
David Villegas Terrín
Josep Folch Serra
Inma Camacho Arellano