
Associació d'Usuaris de Java de Catalunya > Catalan Java Days

First Catalan Java Days

The first Catalan Java Days were held at ETSE, Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria de l'UAB, on 25 of February 2003.
The sponsoring companies were:

  • Bea Systems

  • Sun MicroSystems

and as collaborating companies:

  • Steria

  • Cast-Info

  • Borland

We can find press releases in Vilaweb at this link from WebArchive

Second Catalan Java Days

Inauguration of the II Catalan Java Days. From left to right: Fernando Suarez (IBM), Josep Figols (Sun MicroSystems), Jordi Pujol Ulied ( AUJAC), Monte Kluemper (BEA), Juan Antoni Pastor (UNICA), ? (IBM), Miquel Boix Serra (Steria), Alvaro Rocabayera (MSS)
Inauguration of the II Catalan Java Days. From left to right: Fernando Suarez (IBM), Josep Figols (Sun MicroSystems), Jordi Pujol Ulied (AUJAC), Monte Kluemper (BEA), Juan Antoni Pastor (UNICA), ? (IBM), Miquel Boix Serra (Steria), Alvaro Rocabayera (MSS)

The second Catalan Java Conferences were organized at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya on April 15 and 16, 2004.
The official sponsors were:

  • Bea Systems

  • Caixa Penedès

  • Cast-Info

  • Data.ti

  • IBM

  • Oracle Corporation

  • MSS

  • Sun MicroSystems

Official poster of the II Catalan Java Days
Official poster of the II Catalan Java Days

As participating companies:

  • da.vinci

And as collaborators:

  • CBA Computers, S.L.

  • Filnet

And they supported:

  • Superior Technical School of Engineering of the UAB

  • ATI


  • PuntBarra

We can find press releases in Vilaweb at this link from WebArchive

Third Catalan Java Days

Official poster of the III Catalan Java Days
Official poster of the III Catalan Java Days

The third Catalan Java Days will be held in the "Parc d’Innovació La Salle" conference room, located on the University Campus of the aforementioned Institution, on April 14 and 15, 2005.
The official sponsors were:

  • Bea Systems

  • Borland

  • Caixa Penedès

  • Data.ti

  • Oracle Corporation

  • Steria

  • Sun MicroSystems

As participating companies:

  • Ilog

  • MSS

  • Quest Software

And as collaborators:

  • CBA Computers, S.L.

  • Filnet


[1] 3CAT:
L'AUJAC celebra les primeres Jornades Java Catalanes per als interessats en la tecnologia
[2] Vilaweb:
Primeres jornades catalanes sobre Java
[3] Bulma:
Jornades de Java
[4] Raco Català:
El 14 de novembre es celebren les I Jornades Catalanes de Java
[5] SoftCatalà:
II Jornades Java Catalanes dies 15 i 16 d'abril del 2004
[6] Raco Català:
II Jornades Java Catalanes
Note: All references are in catalan.