
Associació d'Usuaris de Java de Catalunya > Diffusion

As for the dissemination of technology, Aujac promoted the organization of the Sun Tech Day in Sabadell in 2004 and three editions of the Catalan Java Days, being the first non-business group to organize an event of this nature in Spain, later copied by JavaHispano, who made two editions, after having attended the first as a spectator.

As mentioned in the definition of the Catalan Java Days, these were:

"The "Jornades Java Catalanes" is an event focused on bringing Java technologies and other related technologies closer to the Catalan community. It is an event open to everyone, focusing on a wide range of sectors of Catalan society: university, business, end users and the general public.

The objective of the "Jornades Java Catalanes" is to visit all the Catalan-speaking universities throughout the various editions, both in Catalonia, as well as in Valencia, the Balearic Islands and Northern Catalonia, in order to be able to approach the entire public of the Catalan university world by the hand of technological companies resident in this area.

An annual periodicity is established for the event.

The language of expression and work of the "Jornades Java Catalanes" is, by default, Catalan. Except for those activities in which, due to the foreignness of the people who develop them, they must be carried out in the languages of expression of the same.

The area of action and dissemination of the ""Jornades Java Catalanes"" are all those Catalan-speaking regions.

The "Jornades Java Catalanes" base their scope of dissemination on three predominant areas: business, university and society."

Aujac was a pioneer in the Spanish state, in 2003, by being the first non-profit organization that succeeded in bringing together in a single event about Java, the university world, the business world and the general public, acting as a link of union between them. An event whose aim is to visit all the headquarters of Catalan universities without exception.
This position of joint initiative and leadership between AUJAC and all the Catalan universities meant that the present model was adopted at the time by other similar entities throughout the Spanish state when holding similar events, attesting to the success of the same.