
Associació d'Usuaris de Java de Catalunya > Collaboration projects

AUJAC promotes various collaboration projects with entities from all over the territory.
Basically they were spread over two main axes: those activities that offered a series of services to the community, and on the other hand the promotion of technology in teaching areas.

It should be noted that within the field of teaching, Aujac signed several collaboration agreements with the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, among which the teaching of own study courses as well as the management of final projects career under the tutelage of Jordi Pujol Ulied, president of Aujac.

It should be noted that he signed two final degree projects:

  • LABOR: Job Board, by Anna Torres, who received "A+" final grade.
  •, by Aleix Torres Casas, who received "Honors" final grade.


[1] Servei de biblioteques de l'UAB:
Borsa de treball Labor / memòria del projecte d'Enginyeria Tècnica en Informàtica de Gestió presentada per Anna Torres Ribas i dirigida per Jordi Pons Aróztegui
[2] Servei de biblioteques de l'UAB:
Projecte : memòria del projecte d'Enginyeria Tècnica en Informàtica de Sistemes / presentada per Aleix Torres Casas ; i dirigida per Jordi Pons Aróztegui
Note: All references are in catalan.